Dear LaSalle’s Woods Homeowners:

A 2025 Special Assessment Ballot specific to your unit was mailed to your address on file. This ballot is part of the next phase special assessment funding request for the much needed capital improvements planned throughout our property. With four months of improvements completed, we are asking for your continued support with these efforts. We have included an informative package which describes some of the details on the project expenses through October 31, 2024, along with an updated schedule. We are confident that the work completed thus far shows the plan is working and the team performing the repairs are performing first-class work on our property. Based upon the proven results, we are encouraged that our homeowners will vote to continue the next phase of funding as outlined within the information package. Please complete the ballot and return it in the preaddressed envelope. The ballots collected from the HOA mailbox and drop box will be held unopened by the Board.  Ballots may also be delivered in-person at the meeting prior to its start. All received ballots will be opened at the beginning of our Monthly meeting at the Eagle’s Nest on Thursday, December 12th from 7:00 PM till 8:30 PM.

Please direct any questions you may have about the Special Assessment or the Exhibit-E values to the following email address: Do not contact Board members directly as they will not respond.